James Garland Portrait of Hugo, oil on canvas


My style could be defined as dreamy, subconscious, or free-floating. I never plan what I am going to draw. All I do is stand in front of the blank paper or canvas; then I just let it flow. I make a single line, which leads me to sketch another one and another. Before I know it, I have an image.

I’m able to visualize the piece, so I have a glimpse of what the finished product will look like. When people see my work, they often mention its similarity to José Guadalupe Posada, the well-known political printmaker and engraver from Aguascalientes (my hometown too). Other influences, perhaps channeled, would be: Diego Rivera, José Clemente Orozco, and David Alfaro Siqueiros—the great Mexican muralists.

Another of my inspirations comes from the magnificent work of Hieronymus Bosch; I’m often drawn to creating alarming images. Yet, as the creator, I feel I’m just an instrument channeling a force within me.

I don’t know exactly who, how, or where the force comes from; I just allow myself to be played, and I’m happy to do it.

Muñoz, ink on paper
Muñoz Mother and child, oil on canvas
Muñoz Manuel, oil on canvas
Contact Michael Jacobsohn